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Sustainable Wine Roundtable Member
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Membership Benefits 

As an SWR member, you'll enjoy a range of benefits including:

Efficiency in Collaboration: Gain high-quality research and insights at a fraction of the cost of working alone. Our collaborative model enables members to pool resources, ensuring broad access to research and practical recommendations across action areas.

Forum Access: Join our exclusive online forum, where members across the value chain engage in meaningful discussions. Connect with industry leaders, share insights, and drive collective action.

Exclusive Resources and Events: Access our members-only resource library, featuring critical reports, tools, and findings from our benchmarking studies. Participate in regular online member meetings to stay informed and actively contribute to SWR's progress.

Shaping the Dialogue: Position your organisation as a sustainability leader through speaking opportunities across the SWR network. Share your expertise as a podcast guest, or join panel discussions in our webinars.

Membership Fees 

SWR membership is structured into five tiers, based on your company's size and turnover. Membership fees are calculated on a pro-rata basis.

Please review the annual membership dues table below which applies from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

     Category           Worldwide Company Sales    Membership Dues   

   Tier 1 Companies      Less than £250 thousand       £350 per year

   Tier 2 Companies       Less than £1 million        £690 per year

   Tier 3 Companies          £1 - £10 million            £2,060 per year

   Tier 4 Companies         £10 - £100 million          £4,810 per year

   Tier 5 Companies       More than £100 million       £6,880 per year

If you have any questions on our pricing structure, please contact Delaney Sheridan, Operations Manager, at

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Membership Fees

SWR membership is structured into five tiers, based on your company's size and turnover. Membership fees are calculated on a pro-rata basis.

     Category           Worldwide Company Sales    Membership Dues   

   Tier 1 Companies      Less than £250 thousand       £350 per year

   Tier 2 Companies       Less than £1 million        £690 per year

   Tier 3 Companies          £1 - £10 million            £2,060 per year

   Tier 4 Companies         £10 - £100 million          £4,810 per year

   Tier 5 Companies       More than £100 million       £6,880 per year

Please indicate your company's membership tier based on the dues table above.

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